promise # 1

Make a great quality product that will last.

I stand by the quality of what I make. I offer free repairs for life. 

promise # 2

Be a responsible business.

Try to always do business in a responsible way for people and the planet.

Source materials from local and sustainable suppliers. Reduce, recycle and repurpose.

promise # 3

Give back with every sale.

Each collection will give 3% of the total sales figure to a charity that is relevant to the area the collection is inspired by. 

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giving back

3% of the the sales total for each collection will be given to a Scottish environmental charity.

The first collection will raise money for the Hebridean Whale & Dolphin Trust.


talking of Scotland . . .

Scotlands magical heritage, landscapes and stories are pretty inspiring.

The colours and materials used in each bag share the love!

Each collection celebrates a special part of Scotland and aims to help, in a small way, to protect and conserve it.

Where’s your favourite place to visit in Scotland?

I’d love you to share and I promise not to let the secret out the bag!